Artificial Intelligence and PR: “Don’t freak out, the jobs are there.”

Chapter Meetings, PRSSA
The rise of artificial intelligence technology has many people interested to know if it will help or harm their jobs. For this week’s chapter meeting, we welcomed Dr. Elaine Venter, a professor here at Kennesaw State University, to discuss the uproar surrounding AI technology in the world of PR. “First thing, don’t freak out, the jobs are there,” Dr. Venter reassured the audience that AI is not here to hurt us, but rather help us! Here are the key takeaways from her presentation. AI 101: Artificial intelligence technology refers to the development of computer systems capable of performing humanlike tasks. According to Dr. Venter, “AI is achieved through a combination of machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing…” Despite the sophistication of these systems, we have not yet reached…
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Social Media and PR: “The enthusiasm of a puppy and the memory of a goldfish.”

It has been another successful PRSSA Wednesday session! This week we focused on Social Media and PR. Our phenomenal guest speakers gave us crucial insight into what it is like navigating through social media in the eyes of public relations.  Paige Hales, Senior Manager of Communication at the Georgia Aquarium, discussed how meeting the audience where they are will always boost brand engagement. With her team and prior experience, she shared how social media has its ups and downs, even for the largest aquarium is the U.S. Nonetheless, she believes the social media game is all about keeping high hopes and teamwork can make the social media dream work. Zach Loechle, Communication Manager at Interstate Renewable Energy Council, shared with us the importance of protecting your brand through honesty. Crisis…
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3 Things to Expect from Working in Entertainment PR

Informational, PRSSA, Tips & Tricks
September 28, 2022 From a PR agency to the circus, the aquarium or TV screens across the nation, entertainment PR can take you anywhere. A large portion of PR professionals in the entertainment industry did not start working in that specific industry. Entertainment PR is a multifaceted field where you can meet great people and create great events. For some this field of PR comes after a long process of elimination where other PR pathways didn’t work out for them based on their passions, goals and skills.  Some areas that entertainment PR covers include movie premieres, events, social media, internal and external communication, sporting events, storytelling and television work.  Ever wondered what to expect from working in entertainment PR? Here are three things you may not know play a major…
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The Official PRSSA Podcast

The Official PRSSA Podcast

Informational, PRSSA
I don’t know about you, but I love listening to podcasts when I’m driving. So, if you are anything like me, you’re going to love what I have to say next. The Public Relations Student Society of America has a podcast. I repeat: The Public Relations Student Society of America has a podcast! We already knew that PRSSA had it all, but seriously, this organization REALLY has it all! The podcast is called PRSSA Podcasts, and the episodes are categorized by topic. For example, they have a series of episodes called, “PR with the Pros” where they interview high profile PR professionals about their experiences in PR. PRSSA Podcasts also has another series of episodes called, “Student Stories” that spotlight PR students from around the globe. I applaud the makers…
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