Artificial Intelligence and PR: “Don’t freak out, the jobs are there.”

The rise of artificial intelligence technology has many people interested to know if it will help or harm their jobs. For this week’s chapter meeting, we welcomed Dr. Elaine Venter, a professor here at Kennesaw State University, to discuss the uproar surrounding AI technology in the world of PR. “First thing, don’t freak out, the jobs are there,” Dr. Venter reassured the audience that AI is not here to hurt us, but rather help us! Here are the key takeaways from her presentation.

AI 101: Artificial intelligence technology refers to the development of computer systems capable of performing humanlike tasks. According to Dr. Venter, “AI is achieved through a combination of machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing…” Despite the sophistication of these systems, we have not yet reached a form of technology that is independent from human intervention. Therefore, AI relies extensively on human assistance to operate optimally and ethically. Tools such as Siri and Alexa are examples of artificial intelligence, yet they cannot function without human command.

How is AI Changing PR: With the help of AI, public relations professionals can expand on content creation, graphic designing, and data analytics. AI is just another form of technology – like our computers and their softwares – that is ever changing to make professionals’ lives easier. Dr. Venter elaborated on her experience with AI within social media data collection and how its use helps her save time on details that would normally take her much longer to cover. 

In conclusion, AI is here – and it is here to stay! There are even courses today to help with the adjustment to this fast-growing technological advancement. As future professionals, it is important that we take note of the changes occurring around us and take advantage of the knowledge surrounding it.

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