Social Media and PR: “The enthusiasm of a puppy and the memory of a goldfish.”

It has been another successful PRSSA Wednesday session! This week we focused on Social Media and PR. Our phenomenal guest speakers gave us crucial insight into what it is like navigating through social media in the eyes of public relations. 

Paige Hales, Senior Manager of Communication at the Georgia Aquarium, discussed how meeting the audience where they are will always boost brand engagement. With her team and prior experience, she shared how social media has its ups and downs, even for the largest aquarium is the U.S. Nonetheless, she believes the social media game is all about keeping high hopes and teamwork can make the social media dream work.

Zach Loechle, Communication Manager at Interstate Renewable Energy Council, shared with us the importance of protecting your brand through honesty. Crisis communication is something PR professionals may have to conquer, especially on social media. Zach highlighted how important it is to choose the high road. “You should have the enthusiasm of a puppy, and the memory of a goldfish.” 

Caroline Price, Assistant Account Executive for Artketi Group and a proud PRSSA alumna from the University of Georgia chapter shared the value of embracing adjustment and being open to “saying the weird thing”. Social media is filled with trends and highlights that have to start with a simple idea from someone.  As we progress in our career we will certainly need Caroline’s advice to never be afraid to take a chance no matter what position you are in. Your voice will always matter!